TFS Group offers a comprehensive financial services lineup that caters to customers’ diverse needs while strengthening the core auto sales finance operation. By offering customers sound, high-quality financial products and services, we aim to build customers for life by supporting their life events.

TFS Group and TMC Sales Finance Business Group
TFS Group, as TMC Sales Finance Business Group, integrates the sales finance business with the auto business to realize rapid decision making and better “visualization” of risks.
TFSC Board of Directors and Strategic Management Committee
The TFSC Board of Directors is TFS Group's highest decision-making body. Some members of the board are also members of TMC management. The Strategic Management Committee is composed of TFS top management and Region CEOs. This committee discusses strategic matters and guidance of the TFS Group.
TFS Group operates five regions which are responsible for assessing the market, developing strategy, and supporting our sales finance companies to best meet the various needs of our customers.