Message from the President

President & CEO
Toyota Financial Services Corporation
As the Toyota Group Sales Finance Company, we provide mobility-related financial services such as loans, leasing, and insurance under our group mission “Provide sound financial services that contribute to a prosperous life for Toyota customers and others”.
The automotive industry is undergoing a once-in-a-century transformation. The environment surrounding our sales finance industry, which provides the financial services that make automobiles accessible to customers, is also undergoing major changes including interest rate hikes in many countries and customers returning to pre-COVID19 behaviors. In these times of change, to provide new value for customers, we will work with speed developing flexible financial services, while also pursuing the possibilities of future mobility, under our group vision “Create value by enabling freedom of movement”.
On the other hand, our core values remain unchanged. We have developed products and services tailored to each country, region, and customer, in strong partnership with our dealers and distributors around the world. We will continue to pursue the goal of providing peace of mind and excellent service for every one of our customers.
We will continue to take on the challenge of providing ever better financial and mobility services, creating new value and contributing to the realization of a sustainable society by delivering “Mobility for All”.
Thank you for your support and partnership.